Peace + Positivity
What is the value of a ‘like’ on Facebook when we draw the greatest fulfillment from our family, friends, community, and ourselves?
This new, one-time workshop will focus on the importance of noticing, savoring and acknowledging what is good in our lives. In a trusting, safe space, we will learn and talk about gratitude—the science, benefits, our experiences—and engage in interactive discussion and activities.
In these tumultuous and technology-charged times, we sometimes forget to stop and give thanks. Please join me for this #Gratitude workshop, where we will:
learn about the science of gratitude and its vast and profound benefits in the areas of overall wellbeing, positivity and relationships
- use tools and practices to instill gratitude into our daily lives
- share expressions of gratitude, which will include some writing from journal prompts
- engage in interactive and meaningful discussion of the role of gratitude in our lives—both present and future.
And from the “father” of Positive Psychology:
Gratitude can make your life happier and more satisfying. When we feel gratitude, we benefit from the pleasant memory of a positive event in our life. Also, when we express our gratitude to others, we strengthen our relationships with them. —Martin Seligman, University of Pennsylvania
Dates/Times: (eve) Tuesday, Nov. 28 from 7:00-8:15 pm OR (day) Thursday, Nov. 30, 9:30-10:45 am
Location: 132 Larchmont Ave. Suite #9, Larchmont, NY
Register: via email to [email protected]
Fee: none (donations will be optional and collected for charity)