Let’s Embark
While the definition of embark relates to boarding a vehicle, it also means to begin a course of action. As we go from moment to moment, day to day, year to year, new beginnings emerge as new phases, mindsets, commitments, relationships, and perspectives change and vary. This blog is a place to share my thoughts and insights on the various adventures and daily journeys on which I, and we, will embark.
TEDx Talk and more
It's been a while since I've written and it feels good to be back. My year began with the beauty and challenges of a week-long silent meditation retreat in California, during which I sat, walked and ate, and at times found myself navigating a plethora of emotions—from...
When Silence is Playful
I recently went on a silent retreat for seven days. The kind where you don’t talk at all and do little other than meditate, alternating between 45-minute sessions of sitting on a cushion and walking mindfully back and forth as if you’re Ricky Ricardo pacing in the...
Strategies to Start Savoring
All that is important is this one moment in movement. Make the movement vital and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused. ―Martha Graham In the last month, I have watched my middle child graduate from college and my youngest graduate from high...
How Do We Move Forward after Losing the People We Love?
Caring for ourselves and holding onto memories may hold the key. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. –Charles Darwin. In 1938, Harvard University began a...
Here’s to Dogs, Peace + Positivity
Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear you path. ―unknown Companion, yes. Exercise partner, big time. Cuddles, always. These are the more obvious benefits of dog ownership. But after doing some research, I learned about a number of scientific...
Yoga in India + A chance to express kindness to yourself!
I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do. ―Brené Brown On a recent trip to India, I spent a week at a retreat, doing yoga, meditating, and basically healing my body and soul. I documented my...
How can we stop beating ourselves up for thinking, doing and saying the “wrong” thing?
“Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwantedparts of ourselves. The healing comes from letting there be room for all ofthis to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”―Pema Chödrön Being kind to ourselves…does not...
Expressive Writing, Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion
Friendship with one's self is all-important,because without it, one cannot be friendswith anyone else in the world. ―Eleanor Roosevelt It may come as a surprise…but a growing body of research is revealing that self-compassion is an important component of wellbeing....
MNDFL workshop, Travels in Chile + More Self-Compassion
The truth is that things don't really get solved.They come together and fall apart.They come together again and fall apart again.It's just like that.The healing comes from letting therebe room for all of this to happen:room for grief, for relief, for misery, for...
Nature + Nurture: Travels in Chile
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. –Lao Tzu Getting to Chile—a narrow strip of land that sits between the Andes mountains to the East and the Pacific ocean to the West—is not quick, direct or easy. But even after three flights and a...
A new Gratitude workshop, writing about Love and Loss + more
Unclench your fists.Lower your shoulders.Step away.Come back with a clear mañana, redouble your efforts.I believe in you.—Lin-Manual Miranda I love the fall. The changing colors, the crisp air, the smell and light from a roaring fire. Autumn inspires me to settle...
Welcome to my New Website
Welcome to my first newsletter and my NEW website! In the last several years, I have taken on new projects as a certified positive psychology life coach. The year-long training I completed in 2014 with the Wholebeing Institute has been life changing—inspiring me to...