Caren Osten's Workshop - There are so many reasons to be happy

Peace + Positivity



What is the value of a ‘like’ on Facebook when we draw the greatest fulfillment from our family, friends, community, and ourselves?

This new, one-time workshop will focus on the importance of noticing, savoring and acknowledging what is good in our lives. In a trusting, safe space, we will learn and talk about gratitude—the science, benefits, our experiences—and engage in interactive discussion and activities.

In these tumultuous and technology-charged times, we sometimes forget to stop and give thanks. Please join me for this #Gratitude workshop, where we will:

  • Caren Osten's Workshop - Give Thankslearn about the science of gratitude and its vast and profound benefits in the areas of overall wellbeing, positivity and relationships
  • use tools and practices to instill gratitude into our daily lives
  • share expressions of gratitude, which will include some writing from journal prompts
  • engage in interactive and meaningful discussion of the role of gratitude in our lives—both present and future.



Caren Osten's Workshop on Peace, Positivity and Gratitude

And from the “father” of Positive Psychology: 

Gratitude can make your life happier and more satisfying. When we feel gratitude, we benefit from the pleasant memory of a positive event in our life. Also, when we express our gratitude to others, we strengthen our relationships with them.  —Martin Seligman, University of Pennsylvania

Dates/Times:  (eve) Tuesday, Nov. 28 from 7:00-8:15 pm OR (day) Thursday, Nov. 30, 9:30-10:45 am

Location: 132 Larchmont Ave. Suite #9, Larchmont, NY

Register: via email to [email protected]

Fee: none (donations will be optional and collected for charity)