How Savoring Will Save You from Missing Out
When I was in college, my roommates used to make fun of me for my ability to multitask. On one particular day, I literally sat on an exercise bike, pedaling to burn calories, while studying from a textbook and listening to music on my headphones. Back then, it seemed an efficient way to get things done. It’s been a long time since I was in college, and as a result of my meditation practice and my positive psychology training, I now strive to be a monotasker—to do one thing at a time. And when it’s something I enjoy and that feels good, I make an effort to bask in the moment, savoring the good feelings that go with that experience.
Chances are you’ve savored the wafting aroma of coffee brewing. Or a breathtaking glow of pink and orange hues during a sunset. Or the melody of a song so amazing that you need to close your eyes to take it all in?
Savoring is not a new idea, and its origins date back to ancient times when savoring—or fully appreciating a taste, smell, or sight, for example—was considered wise. More recent research supports this notion and reaches further, revealing that savoring positive emotions is a strategy that can optimize your health and well-being.