The truth is that things don’t really get solved.
They come together and fall apart.
They come together again and fall apart again.
It’s just like that.
The healing comes from letting there
be room for all of this to happen:
room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.
—Pema Chödrön
It is a new year… and I am ready for a fresh start. Last year brought too many losses (personal and political), and too much pain. All the strategies and tools on the planet are unable to remove the hurt, but they have kept me afloat, helping me breathe and stay present, and allowing me to recognize the people for whom and the circumstances for which I am deeply grateful.
Below is a bit of what I’ve been doing and what’s coming up. Here’s to a brighter year, filled with love, peace + positivity for all!

I hope you will join me at MNDFL on Monday, January 31st, at 7:00 pm in Greenwich Village, where I’ll be co-leading an expressive writing workshop, “Dear Me/Love, Me,” with meditation teacher, Mark Price. Using the power of pen, paper and cushion, we will explore ways to express our thoughts on living an authentic life and offering ourselves more compassion—through the art of meditation + writing.
I am just back from an inspiring trip to Chile, where nature, adventure, and time with my family nourished my soul and nurtured my inner balance.
In my latest blog post, “Nature + Nature: Travels in Chile,” I offer the what, why and how of this amazing family journey.

Please join me for this new, one-time workshop, Peace + Positivity #Self-Compassion. In a trusting, safe circle, we will focus on the importance of self-compassion and kindness. Through engaging and interactive discussions and activities, we will share our experiences, as well as touch upon the science of self-compassion and its significant benefits.
In peace,