Friendship with one’s self is all-important,
because without it, one cannot be friends
with anyone else in the world.
―Eleanor Roosevelt
It may come as a surprise…but a growing body of research is revealing that self-compassion is an important component of wellbeing. Treating yourself with the same amount of love and kindness as you would another doesn’t come easily for many of us. But the benefits of self-compassion are significant, and include less depression, more optimism, greater happiness and more life satisfaction. Who wouldn’t want that?

Please join me for this new, 90-minute workshop, Peace + Positivity #Self-Compassion on either Feb. 7th or Feb 8th. We’ll do some talking, some writing, and some sharing — all to uncover the magic that is revealed by simply being gentler and kinder to ourselves. Together, we will explore ways to practice self-compassion, and touch upon its benefits and the latest research.
The expressive writing + meditation workshop on January 29th at the MNDFL studio in NYC is SOLD OUT. However, if you’re interested in this workshop, please keep reading…

Along with my friend and mindfulness meditation teacher, Cheryl Brause, of 2bpresent, I will be facilitating a similar expressive writing + mindfulness meditation workshop at the Tovamiyoga studio in Mamaroneck, NY on Sunday, March 18 from 3:30 – 5:00 pm. I hope you can join us.
In gratitude,