Are You Really Listening?

Are You Really Listening, or Just Waiting to Talk? When sitting face-to-face in conversation with someone—a friend, child, partner, or work colleague—how frequently are you actually thinking about nothing else other than the words that are coming out of the other...

No Texts, Please, We’re Meditating

No Texts, Please, We’re Meditating When a photo of a wall covered in lush green foliage showed up on Grace Clarke’s Instagram feed, she felt an immediate urge to track it down. Stressed out and headed to a meeting at Madewell, where she works as a social media...

Say Goodbye to Distractions

Say Goodbye to Distractions I recently had the privilege of sitting in on a college lecture at my alma mater. I sat beside my student daughter—proud to be a parent, an alumnus, a lifelong learner. The lecture hall, located on the top floor of the university’s most...

Putting Meditation Back on the Mat

Putting Meditation Back on the Mat Seated cross-legged on a black cushion atop a yoga mat, I struggled to keep my eyes closed and repeat the Sanskrit mantra in my head: ham-sa — I am that. Outside, on Third Avenue, police sirens wailed and cars honked as I tried to...

Triathlon to Tree Pose: Discovering the Power of Breath in Mexico

Triathlon to Tree Pose: Discovering the Power of Breath in Mexico I am married to a man who loves to compete. He is long, lanky and as strong as an ox. Much less competitive but also athletic, I have shared many challenges by his side for more than two decades—from...